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On-chain gNFT assets


This example of an NFT smart contract shows a method where token assets are stored on the blockchain itself. To learn about a common implementation of gNFT smart contracts, refer to vNFT-721.

When a user wants to transfer ownership of a specific token ID to another user, confirming ownership and assigning the token to a new owner is straightforward. Usually, NFT images (or other essential resources) are stored elsewhere, like on IPFS, with only the metadata stored in the contract. The metadata includes a name, an ID, and links to external resources where the images are stored.

However, this introduces another method. At times, you can directly store NFTs on the blockchain without relying on external storage. This approach ensures that you don't lose your NFT in case there are issues with external storage.

This article explains the programming interface, data structure, basic functions, and their purposes. You can use it as is or adapt it for your specific situations. The source code is accessible on GitHub.


To implement this approach successfully, you need several things. First, when starting a collection, provide all possible images for all layers in the collection. Second, when minting with small metadata, give a combination of layers used for a specific NFT. This method may seem expensive initially, but it is relatively inexpensive during the minting process.

Developing on-chain non-fungible-token contract

The functions that must be supported by each non-fungible-token contract:

  • transfer(to, token_id) - is a function that allows you to transfer a token with the token_id number to the to account;
  • approve(approved_account, token_id) - is a function that allows you to give the right to dispose of the token to the specified approved_account. This functionality can be useful on marketplaces or auctions as when the owner wants to sell his token, they can put it on a marketplace/auction, so the contract will be able to send this token to the new owner at some point;
  • mint(to, token_id, metadata) is a function that creates a new token. Metadata can include any information about the token: it can be a link to a specific resource, a description of the token, etc;
  • burn(from, token_id) is a function that removes the token with the mentioned token_id from the contract.

The default implementation of the NFT contract is provided in the gear library: gear-lib/non_fungible_token.

To use the default implementation you should include the packages into your Cargo.toml file:

gear-lib = { git = "", tag = "0.3.3" }

First, we start by modifying the state and the init message:

#[derive(Debug, Default, NFTStateKeeper, NFTCore, NFTMetaState)]
pub struct OnChainNFT {
pub token: NFTState,
pub token_id: TokenId,
pub owner: ActorId,
pub base_image: String,
pub layers: HashMap<LayerId, Vec<String>>,
pub nfts: HashMap<TokenId, Vec<ItemId>>,
pub nfts_existence: HashSet<String>,
/// Initializes on-chain NFT
/// Requirements:
/// * all fields except `royalties` should be specified
#[derive(Debug, Encode, Decode, TypeInfo)]
#[codec(crate = gstd::codec)]
#[scale_info(crate = gstd::scale_info)]
pub struct InitOnChainNFT {
/// NFT name
pub name: String,
/// NFT symbol
pub symbol: String,
/// NFT base_uri (not applicable in on-chain)
pub base_uri: String,
/// Base Image is base64encoded svg.
/// Provides a base layer for all future nfts.
pub base_image: String,
/// Layers map - mapping of layerid the list of layer items.
/// Each layer item is a base64encoded svg.
pub layers: Vec<(LayerId, Vec<String>)>,
/// Royalties for NFT
pub royalties: Option<Royalties>,

Next, rewrite the following functions: mint, burn and token_uri. The mint and burn functions will behave as one woud expect them to with the addition of slight state modification (e.g. checking against the state, adding/removing). token_uri will return an NFT's metadata as well as all the layer content provided for a specified NFT:

#[derive(Debug, Encode, Decode, TypeInfo)]
#[codec(crate = gstd::codec)]
#[scale_info(crate = gstd::scale_info)]
pub enum OnChainNFTQuery {
/// Returns an NFT for a specified `token_id`.
/// Requirements:
/// * `token_id` MUST exist
/// Arguments:
/// * `token_id` - is the id of the NFT
/// On success, returns TokenURI struct.
TokenURI { token_id: TokenId },
/// Base NFT query. Derived from gear-lib.

#[derive(Debug, Encode, Decode, TypeInfo)]
#[codec(crate = gstd::codec)]
#[scale_info(crate = gstd::scale_info)]
pub enum OnChainNFTAction {
/// Mints an NFT consisting of layers provided in the `description` parameter.
/// Requirements:
/// * `description` MUST contain layers and layers' items that EXIST
/// Arguments:
/// * `token_metadata` - is a default token metadata from gear-lib.
/// * `description` - is the vector of layer's item id, where
/// the index i is the layer id.
/// On success, returns NFTEvent::Mint from gear-lib.
Mint {
/// Metadata
token_metadata: TokenMetadata,
/// Layers description of an NFT
description: Vec<ItemId>,
/// Burns an NFT.
/// Requirements:
/// * `token_id` MUST exist
/// Arguments:
/// * `token_id` - is the id of the burnt token
/// On success, returns NFTEvent::Burn from gear-lib.
Burn {
/// Token id to burn.
token_id: TokenId,
/// Transfers an NFT.
/// Requirements:
/// * `token_id` MUST exist
/// * `to` MUST be a non-zero addresss
/// Arguments:
/// * `token_id` - is the id of the transferred token
/// On success, returns NFTEvent::Transfer from gear-lib.
Transfer {
/// A recipient address.
to: ActorId,
/// Token id to transfer.
token_id: TokenId,
/// Approves an account to perform operation upon the specifiefd NFT.
/// Requirements:
/// * `token_id` MUST exist
/// * `to` MUST be a non-zero addresss
/// Arguments:
/// * `token_id` - is the id of the transferred token
/// On success, returns NFTEvent::Approval from gear-lib.
Approve {
/// An account being approved.
to: ActorId,
/// Token id approved for the account.
token_id: TokenId,
/// Transfers payouts from an NFT to an account.
/// Requirements:
/// * `token_id` MUST exist
/// * `to` MUST be a non-zero addresss
/// * `amount` MUST be a non-zero number
/// Arguments:
/// * `token_id` - is the id of the transferred token
/// On success, returns NFTEvent::Approval from gear-lib.
TransferPayout {
/// Payout recipient
to: ActorId,
/// Token id to get the payout from.
token_id: TokenId,
/// Payout amount.
amount: u128,

#[derive(Debug, Encode, Decode, TypeInfo)]
#[codec(crate = gstd::codec)]
#[scale_info(crate = gstd::scale_info)]
pub struct TokenURI {
/// Token metadata derived from gear-lib
pub metadata: TokenMetadata,
/// List of base64encoded svgs representing different layers of an NFT.
pub content: Vec<String>,

The TokenMetadata is also defined in the Gear NFT library:

pub struct TokenMetadata {
// ex. "CryptoKitty #100"
pub name: String,
// free-form description
pub description: String,
// URL to associated media, preferably to decentralized, content-addressed storage
pub media: String,
// URL to an off-chain JSON file with more info.
pub reference: String,

Define a trait for the new functions that will extend the default NFTCore trait:

pub trait OnChainNFTCore: NFTCore {
fn mint(&mut self, description: Vec<ItemId>, metadata: TokenMetadata) -> NFTTransfer;
fn burn(&mut self, token_id: TokenId) -> NFTTransfer;
fn token_uri(&mut self, token_id: TokenId) -> Option<Vec<u8>>;

and write the implementation of that trait:

impl OnChainNFTCore for OnChainNFT {
/// Mint an NFT on chain.
/// `description` - is the vector of ids ,
/// where each index represents a layer id, and element represents a layer item id.
/// `metadata` - is the default metadata provided by gear-lib.
fn mint(&mut self, description: Vec<ItemId>, metadata: TokenMetadata) -> NFTTransfer {
// precheck if the layers actually exist
for (layer_id, layer_item_id) in description.iter().enumerate() {
if layer_id > self.layers.len() {
panic!("No such layer");
if *layer_item_id
> self
.get(&(layer_id as u128))
.expect("No such layer")
.len() as u128
panic!("No such item");

// also check if description has all layers provided
if description.len() != self.layers.len() {
panic!("The number of layers must be equal to the number of layers in the contract");

// precheck if there is already an nft with such description
let key = description
.map(|i| i.to_string())
if self.nfts_existence.contains(&key) {
panic!("Such nft already exists");
let transfer = NFTCore::mint(self, &msg::source(), self.token_id, Some(metadata));
self.nfts.insert(self.token_id, description);
self.token_id = self.token_id.saturating_add(U256::one());

/// Burns an NFT.
/// `token_id` - is the id of a token. MUST exist.
fn burn(&mut self, token_id: TokenId) -> NFTTransfer {
let transfer = NFTCore::burn(self, token_id);
let key = self
.expect("No such token")
.map(|i| i.to_string())

/// Returns token information - metadata and all the content of all the layers for the NFT.
/// `token_id` - is the id of a token. MUST exist.
fn token_uri(&mut self, token_id: TokenId) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
let mut metadata = TokenMetadata::default();
if let Some(Some(mtd)) = self.token.token_metadata_by_id.get(&token_id) {
metadata = mtd.clone();
// construct media
let mut content: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
// check if exists
let nft = self.nfts.get(&token_id).expect("No such nft");
for (layer_id, layer_item_id) in nft.iter().enumerate() {
let layer_content = self
.get(&(layer_id as u128))
.expect("No such layer")
.nth(*layer_item_id as usize)
.expect("No such layer item");
Some(TokenURI { metadata, content }.encode())

Accordingly, it is necessary to make changes to the handle and meta_state functions:

extern fn handle() {
let action: OnChainNFTAction = msg::load().expect("Could not load OnChainNFTAction");
let nft = unsafe { CONTRACT.get_or_insert(Default::default()) };
match action {
OnChainNFTAction::Mint {
} => msg::reply(
OnChainNFTEvent::Transfer(OnChainNFTCore::mint(nft, description, token_metadata)),
OnChainNFTAction::Burn { token_id } => msg::reply(
OnChainNFTEvent::Transfer(OnChainNFTCore::burn(nft, token_id)),
OnChainNFTAction::Transfer { to, token_id } => msg::reply(
OnChainNFTEvent::Transfer(NFTCore::transfer(nft, &to, token_id)),
OnChainNFTAction::TransferPayout {
} => msg::reply(
OnChainNFTEvent::TransferPayout(NFTCore::transfer_payout(nft, &to, token_id, amount)),
OnChainNFTAction::Approve { to, token_id } => msg::reply(
OnChainNFTEvent::Approval(NFTCore::approve(nft, &to, token_id)),
.expect("Error during replying with `OnChainNFTEvent`");

Programm metadata and state

Metadata interface description:

pub struct ContractMetadata;

impl Metadata for ContractMetadata {
type Init = In<InitOnChainNFT>;
type Handle = InOut<OnChainNFTAction, OnChainNFTEvent>;
type Reply = ();
type Others = ();
type Signal = ();
type State = Out<State>;

To display the full contract state information, the state() function is used:

extern fn state() {
let contract = unsafe { CONTRACT.take().expect("Unexpected error in taking state") };
msg::reply::<State>(contract.into(), 0)
.expect("Failed to encode or reply with `State` from `state()`");

To display only necessary certain values from the state, you need to write a separate crate. In this crate, specify functions that will return the desired values from the State state. For example - gear-foundation/dapps/on-chain-nft/state:

pub mod metafns {
pub type State = on_chain_nft_io::State;

pub fn token_uri(state: State, token_id: TokenId) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
let metadata = state
.find(|(id, _)| token_id.eq(id))
.and_then(|(_id, metadata)| metadata.clone())
// construct media
let mut content: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
// check if exists

if let Some((_id, nft)) = state.nfts.iter().find(|(id, _)| token_id.eq(id)) {
for (i, layer_item_id) in nft.iter().enumerate() {
if let Some((_id, layer_content)) =
state.layers.iter().find(|(id, _)| (i as u128).eq(id))
let s = layer_content
.get(*layer_item_id as usize)
.expect("No such layer item");

Some(TokenURI { metadata, content }.encode())

pub fn base(state: State, query: NFTQuery) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
let encoded = match query {
NFTQuery::NFTInfo => NFTQueryReply::NFTInfo {
symbol: state.token.symbol.clone(),
base_uri: state.token.base_uri,
NFTQuery::Token { token_id } => NFTQueryReply::Token {
token: state.token.token(token_id),
NFTQuery::TokensForOwner { owner } => NFTQueryReply::TokensForOwner {
tokens: state.token.tokens_for_owner(&owner),
NFTQuery::TotalSupply => NFTQueryReply::TotalSupply {
total_supply: state.token.total_supply(),
NFTQuery::SupplyForOwner { owner } => NFTQueryReply::SupplyForOwner {
supply: state.token.supply_for_owner(&owner),
NFTQuery::AllTokens => NFTQueryReply::AllTokens {
tokens: state.token.all_tokens(),
NFTQuery::ApprovedTokens { account } => NFTQueryReply::ApprovedTokens {
tokens: state.token.approved_tokens(&account),


Gear provides a reusable library with core functionality for the gNFT protocol. By using object composition, that library can be utilized within a custom NFT contract implementation in order to minimize duplication of community available code.

A source code of the on-chain NFT example is available on GitHub: on-chain-nft.

See also an example of the smart contract testing implementation based on gtest: on-chain-nft/tests.

For more details about testing smart contracts written on Gear, refer to this article: Program Testing.