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NFT Marketplace

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NFT marketplace is a program where anyone can buy and sell non-fungible tokens for fungible tokens. The program also supports holding the NFT auctions and making/accepting purchase offers on NFTs.

The following are program examples available on GitHub:

Anyone can easily create their own NFT marketplace application and run it on Vara Network.

How to run

⚒️ Build programs

🏗️ Upload programs

A program can be deployed to the network using In the network selector, choose Vara Network Testnet or Development (in this case, the application will connect to a locally running Vara node).

Non-Fungible Token

  1. Upload program nft.opt.wasm from /target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/
  2. Upload metadata file meta.txt
  3. Specify init payload and calculate gas!

Init payload:

  • name Str - NFT collection name
  • symbol Str - NFT collection symbol
  • base_uri Str - NFT collection base URI
  • royalties Option<Royalties> - Optional param to specify accounts to pay royalties


  1. Upload program marketplace.opt.wasm from /target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/
  2. Upload metadata file meta.txt
  3. Specify init payload and calculate gas!

InitMarket payload:

  • admin_id (ActorId) - marketplace admin
  • treasury_id (ActorId) - an account that receives a commission from sales on the marketplace
  • treasury_fee (U16) - sales commission

🖥️ Run UI

  1. Install packages
yarn install
  1. Configure .evn file. Specify network address and program ID like in the example below:

For proper application functioning, one needs to adjust an environment variable parameters. An example is available here.

  • REACT_APP_NODE_ADDRESS is Vara Network address (for testnet it is - wss://
  • REACT_APP_IPFS_ADDRESS is address of IPFS to store NFT assets ( that was used for this implementation)
  • REACT_APP_MARKETPLACE_CONTRACT_ADDRESS is NFT Marketplace program address in Vara Network
  • REACT_APP_NFT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS is Vara Non-Fungible Token contract address in Vara Network
  1. Run app
yarn start

Marketplace program logic

This article explains the programming interface, data structure, basic functions and explains their purpose. It can be used as is or modified to suit your own scenarios.


The program state:

pub struct Market {
pub admin_id: ActorId,
pub treasury_id: ActorId,
pub treasury_fee: u16,
pub items: BTreeMap<(ContractId, TokenId), Item>,
pub approved_nft_contracts: BTreeSet<ActorId>,
pub approved_ft_contracts: BTreeSet<ActorId>,
pub tx_id: TransactionId,
  • admin_id - an account who has the right to approve non-fungible-token and fungible-tokens contracts that can be used in the marketplace program;
  • treasury_id - an account to which sales commission will be credited;
  • treasury_fee - commission percentage (from 1 to 5 percent)

The marketplace program is initialized with the following fields;

  • items - listed NFTs;
  • approved_nft_contracts - NFT contracts accounts that can be listed on the marketplace;
  • approved_ft_contracts - fungible token accounts for which it is possible to buy marketplace items;
  • tx_id - the id for tracking transactions in the fungible and non-fungible contracts (See the description of fungible token and non-fungible token).

The marketplace item has the following struct:

pub struct Item {
pub token_id: TokenId,
pub owner: ActorId,
pub ft_contract_id: Option<ContractId>,
pub price: Option<Price>,
pub auction: Option<Auction>,
pub offers: BTreeMap<(Option<ContractId>, Price), ActorId>,
pub tx: Option<(TransactionId, MarketTx)>,
  • token_id is the ID of the NFT within its contract.
  • owner - an NFT item owner;
  • ft_contract_id - a contract of fungible tokens for which that item can be bought. If that field is None then the item can be sold for native Vara tokens;
  • price - the item price. None field means that the item is not on the sale;
  • auction - a field containing information on the current auction. None field means that there is no current auction on the item;
  • offers - purchase offers made on that item;
  • tx - a pending transaction on the item. None means that there are no pending transactions.

MarketTx is an enum of possible transactions that can occur with NFT:

#[derive(Debug, Encode, Decode, TypeInfo, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum MarketTx {
Bid {
account: ActorId,
price: Price,
Sale {
buyer: ActorId,
Offer {
ft_id: ContractId,
price: Price,
account: ActorId,
Withdraw {
ft_id: ContractId,
price: Price,
account: ActorId,

Listing NFTs, changing the price or stopping the sale.

To list NFTs on the marketplace or modify the terms of sale, send the following message:

/// Adds data on market item.
/// If the item of that NFT does not exist on the marketplace then it will be listed.
/// If the item exists then that action is used to change the price or suspend the sale.
/// # Requirements
/// * [`msg::source()`](gstd::msg::source) must be the NFT owner
/// * `nft_contract_id` must be added to `approved_nft_contracts`
/// * if item already exists, then it cannot be changed if there is an active auction
/// On success replies [`MarketEvent::MarketDataAdded`].
AddMarketData {
/// the NFT contract address
nft_contract_id: ContractId,
/// the fungible token contract address (If it is `None` then the item is traded for the native value)
ft_contract_id: Option<ContractId>,
/// the NFT id
token_id: TokenId,
/// the NFT price (if it is `None` then the item is not on the sale)
price: Option<Price>,

NFT purchase.

To buy NFTs, send the following message:

/// Sells the NFT.
/// # Requirements:
/// * The NFT item must exist and be on sale.
/// * If the NFT is sold for a native Vara token, then a buyer must attach a value equal to the price.
/// * If the NFT is sold for fungible tokens then a buyer must have enough tokens in the fungible token contract.
/// * There must be no open auction on the item.
/// On success replies [`MarketEvent::ItemSold`].
BuyItem {
/// NFT contract address
nft_contract_id: ContractId,
/// the token ID
token_id: TokenId,

NFT auction.

The marketplace program includes the English auction. English auction is an open auction at an increasing price, where participants openly bid against each other, with each subsequent bid being greater than the previous one.

The auction has the following struct:

pub struct Auction {
pub bid_period: u64,
pub started_at: u64,
pub ended_at: u64,
pub current_price: Price,
pub current_winner: ActorId,
  • bid_period - the time interval. If the auction ends before exec::blocktimestamp() + bid_period then the auction end time is delayed for bid_period;
  • started_at - auction start time;
  • ended_at - auction end time;
  • current_price - the current offered price for the NFT;
  • current_winner - the current auction winner

The auction is started with the following message:

/// Creates an auction for selected item.
/// If the NFT item doesn't exist on the marketplace then it will be listed
/// Requirements:
/// * Only the item owner can start the auction.
/// * `nft_contract_id` must be in the list of `approved_nft_contracts`
/// * There must be no active auction
/// On success replies [`MarketEvent::AuctionCreated`].
CreateAuction {
/// the NFT contract address
nft_contract_id: ContractId,
/// the fungible token contract address (If it is `None` then the item is traded for the native value)
ft_contract_id: Option<ContractId>,
/// the NFT id
token_id: TokenId,
/// the starting price
min_price: Price,
/// the time interval the auction is extended if bid is made if the auction ends before `exec::blocktimestamp() + bid_period`
bid_period: u64,
/// the auction duration
duration: u64,

Send the following message to add a bid to the currency auction:

/// Adds a bid to an ongoing auction.
/// # Requirements:
/// * The item must exist.
/// * The auction must exist on the item.
/// * If the NFT is sold for a native Vara token, then a buyer must attach a value equal to the price indicated in the arguments.
/// * If the NFT is sold for fungible tokens then a buyer must have enough tokens in the fungible token contract.
/// * `price` must be greater than the current offered price for that item.
/// On success replies [`MarketEvent::BidAdded`].
AddBid {
/// the NFT contract address
nft_contract_id: ContractId,
/// * `token_id`: the NFT id
token_id: TokenId,
/// the offered price
price: Price,

If the auction period is over, anyone can send the message SettleAuction that will send the NFT to the winner and pay the owner:

/// Settles the auction.
/// Requirements:
/// * The auction must be over.
/// On successful auction replies [`MarketEvent::AuctionSettled`].
/// If no bids were made replies [`MarketEvent::AuctionCancelled`].
SettleAuction {
/// the NFT contract address
nft_contract_id: ContractId,
/// the NFT id
token_id: TokenId,


Send the following message to make an offer on the marketplace item:

/// Adds a price offer to the item.
/// Requirements:
/// * NFT items must exist and be listed on the marketplace.
/// * There must be no ongoing auction on the item.
/// * If a user makes an offer in native Vara token, then he must attach a value equal to the price indicated in the arguments.
/// * If a user makes an offer in fungible tokens then he must have enough tokens in the fungible token contract.
/// * The price can not be equal to 0.
/// * There must be no identical offers on the item.
/// On success replies [`MarketEvent::OfferAdded`].
AddOffer {
/// the NFT contract address
nft_contract_id: ContractId,
/// the FT contract address (if it is `None, the offer is made for the native value)
ft_contract_id: Option<ContractId>,
/// the NFT id
token_id: TokenId,
/// the offer price
price: Price,

The item owner can accept the offer:

/// Accepts an offer.
/// Requirements:
/// * NFT items must exist and be listed on the marketplace.
/// * Only the owner can accept the offer.
/// * There must be no ongoing auction.
/// * The offer with indicated hash must exist.
/// On success replies [`MarketEvent::OfferAccepted`].
AcceptOffer {
/// the NFT contract address
nft_contract_id: ContractId,
/// the NFT id
token_id: TokenId,
/// the fungible token contract address
ft_contract_id: Option<ContractId>,
/// the offer price
price: Price,

The user who made the offer can also withdraw their tokens:

/// Withdraws tokens.
/// Requirements:
/// * NFT items must exist and be listed on the marketplace.
/// * Only the offer creator can withdraw his tokens.
/// * The offer with indicated hash must exist.
/// On success replies [`MarketEvent::TokensWithdrawn`].
Withdraw {
/// the NFT contract address
nft_contract_id: ContractId,
/// the FT contract address (if it is `None, the offer is made for the native value)
ft_contract_id: Option<ContractId>,
/// the NFT id
token_id: TokenId,
/// The offered price (native value)
price: Price,

Consistency of program states

The market program interfaces with both fungible and non-fungible token contracts. Each transaction that alters the states of multiple programs is temporarily stored until its completion. Whenever a user engages with an item, the marketplace program verifies any pending transactions. If there is one, it prompts the user to finalize it, preventing the initiation of a new transaction. The idempotency inherent in the token contracts enables the restarting of a transaction without redundant changes, ensuring the consistent state of all three programs.

Program metadata and state

Metadata interface description:

pub struct MarketMetadata;

impl Metadata for MarketMetadata {
type Init = In<InitMarket>;
type Handle = InOut<MarketAction, MarketEvent>;
type Others = ();
type Reply = ();
type Signal = ();
type State = Out<Market>;

To display the full program state information, the state() function is used:

extern fn state() {
let market = unsafe { MARKET.as_ref().expect("Uninitialized market state") };
msg::reply(market, 0).expect("Failed to share state");

To display only necessary certain values from the state, write a separate crate. In this crate, specify functions that will return the desired values from the Market state. For example - gear-foundation/dapps-nft-marketplace/state:

pub mod metafns {
pub type State = Market;

pub fn all_items(state: State) -> Vec<Item> {

pub fn item_info(state: State, args: ItemInfoArgs) -> Option<Item> {
nft_marketplace_io::item_info(state, &args)